Inspiring videos, songs, advice, etc. by reputed celebrities and professionals interpreted and brought to life in Indian Sign language.
ISL Translation of #DettolAnthem - Mil ke Harayenge
For years, Deaf individuals have flipped past TV channels, with bored expressions as they are unable to understand spoken language. Nothing on Television was accessible to them. Unlike hearing people, Deaf people were never able to make informed choices after watching advertisements. But all this is about to change. This is because, for the first time on Indian Television, an advertisement has been translated into Indian Sign Language. Yes! An Advertisement is now accessible to the Deaf! This dream of "inclusion" that millions of Deaf individuals had for a very long time, was finally made into reality because of Reckitt Benckiser's collaboration with ISH News, to translate the Anthem of its brand Dettol - "Mil ke Harayenge" into Indian Sign Language. Two versions of the advertisement, 30 secs, and 60 secs have been translated into ISL! The videos have reached 400 million viewers!
Amul Milk - Aage Badta Hai India in Indian Sign Language
Amul has collaborated with ISH News to make its popular ads "Aage Badta Hai India" accessible for the Deaf Community via Indian Sign Language interpretation.